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Need Advice?

January 3, 2010

You’re in luck!

This is the first call for problems, questions, or concerns of any nature for the new Not So Old Fashioned Advice Column!

Just post your questions in the comments section of this post, and I’ll choose one to feature in my very first Not So Old Fashioned Advice column this Friday night. If you type in your name as “Anonymous”, your question will remain totally, well, anonymous!

No topic is off-limits, and after I post the first question with my own Not So Old Fashioned advice, I’ll let my readers take a crack at helping you out as well.

And yes, I’m wearing those pants RIGHT NOW! 😀

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Anonymous permalink
    January 7, 2010 2:21 pm

    I need some help… I’m eleven years old and I share a room with my eight year old sister because we live in a small apartment. I live with my mom, my 4 year old brother, my 8 year old sister sister and my grandma. Well, my grandma thinks my little sister is a little angel. The truth is that my sister treats me like crap. My mom always believes her, so I’m always getting in trouble.

    My sister yells at me, demands that my side of the room be clean, never gives me my privacy etc. When I ask for my privacy, she wants me to PAY HER!!! I say no and then “grandma’s little angel” runs off crying to my grandma saying that I yelled at her. My mom is no help because she says that It’s my fault… How can her yelling at me be MY FAULT?!?!

    Please give me some tips on how I can get my sister off my back.

  2. jen permalink
    January 4, 2010 11:44 am

    Fancy pants!

  3. January 4, 2010 12:48 am

    I just came to see those magic pants. ❤

  4. Anonymous permalink
    January 4, 2010 12:06 am

    I’m gay, and live in a very small/conservative town. If I came out, I’d probably get kicked out of the house. I’ve tried to not be the way I am, it’s just not happening.

    Should I tell anyone, or just keep it quiet until I can move away? Or something else?

  5. Anonymous permalink
    January 3, 2010 11:30 pm

    Great idea!

    I have a question – My parents pressure me all the time to do things I don’t want to do. Like I have a brother who’s really athletic and a sister who’s really smart in school. Neither of those are really my thing. I want to be a writer, but my parents say that you can’t make any money being a writer and I should focus on something more stable. I’m going to be applying at colleges next year and don’t know what to do. I want to study creative writing, but I don’t want to disappoint my parents. What should I do?

    • January 3, 2010 11:43 pm

      Have you considered making creative writing your minor instead of your major? That way you can still study creative writing, but have a “more stable” major that can lead to a “day job”. Publishing doesn’t happen overnight, and then it can still take a long while before you can reach the point of safely quitting the “day job”.

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